Ashley Marie Finch's Capstone Portfolio


  Hello! And welcome to my Human Services Capstone Portfolio.

In the Spring of 2009, as I was applying for the Human Services Program, I wrote these words:

“I am often convicted about the injustices in society and overwhelmed by my seeming inability to manifest change, but I know that by entering this program I will be equipped to be that change I want to see in the world.”

And now, nearly 2 years after I wrote those words, my vision has become a reality. I have been equipped with the tools I need to be that change: a strong sense of self, a hope for the future, a love for people and the realization that my entire life will be a journey of learning.

As you look through my Capstone Portfolio I hope that you can get a glimpse of what my journey of learning over the last two years has looked like.


Statement of Purpose

My purpose is to live a life that shows I truly believe in:

  •                 The value and worth of a single changed life.
  •                 The possibility of change.
  •                 The power and ability of individuals and communities to determine their own needs.
  •                 The right of every person to food and clean water and freedom from oppression.
  •                 A reason for hope.
  •                 Accomplishing the “impossible”.
  •                 The redemptive power of a community of support.
  •                 The overwhelming love of Jesus to transform lives. 

May my actions speak louder than my words...

Statement of Helping

I help because this Franciscan Blessing is coming true for my life:

May God bless [me] with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that [I] may live deep within [my] heart. Amen.

May God bless [me] with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that [I] may work for justice, freedom and peace. Amen.

May God bless [me] with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that [I] may reach out [my] hand to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy. Amen.

May God bless [me] with enough foolishness to believe that [I] can make a difference in this world, so that [I] can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen.

And the Blessing of God, who Creates, Redeems and Sanctifies, be upon [me] and all [I] love and pray for this day, and forever more. Amen.

    I can no longer accept the discomfort associated with easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships. Loeb (2004) says something I agree with completely, "We don't have to tackle every issue, but if we avoid them all, if we remain silent in the face of cruelty, injustice, and oppression, we sacrifice part of our soul" (p. 12). I want to live deep and I want to live fully.

    I cannot ignore the obvious injustice, oppression and exploitation of people. It is often said, once you see it you can't un-see it. Now that I have "seen" the global crisis of our world: starvation, sex trafficking, lack of access to clean water, oppression, I cannot ignore it. May my work always be for justice, freedom and peace.

    My heart breaks for my brothers and sisters in this world who hurt. Those who hurt from pain, rejection, starvation and war. I have seen those faces and heard those voices and it is my responsibility to do what I can to share with those faces and voices my gift of joy.

    While the world proclaims that hunger is impossible to overcome, access to clean water will never be possible for all people, orphaned children will always be alone, and the HIV/Aids Pandemic is beyond our control, I will proclaim that change is possible. None of these crisis have to continue. And together, we can make a difference.